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Massage and Esthetics CE Course Special Offers


Interested in gaining more experience as a medical professional? This 10-hour training course will teach you everything you need to know about dermal fillers through detailed video instruction and online exams. 
Learn how to inject Restylane, Radiesse, Juvederm and more... Sign up today!

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Do you want to expand your skill set as a dentist, nurse, dermatologist, or medical aesthetician?

Check out this 10-hour online dermal filler training course taught by Harvard Medical School graduate Dolores Kent, MD, FACOG! 

It's easy to sign up and there are no prerequisites necessary to start!!

Click here to get your cosmetic injector training online.

Learn how to inject Juvederm, Radiesse, and more!

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Get your Full Specialist and Facial Specialist skin care continuing education online.

Expand your skills and earn your certificate with our Florida DBPR approved online courses.

Complete your Florida cosmetology continuing education with our State of Florida DBPR Board of Cosmetology approved courses. Each of the online classes listed below satisfy the required 1 hour for any subject related to the practice of cosmetology for facial specialists and full specialists.

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Enter to WIN Jumozy Massage Continuing Education Courses.  $100 Value.

Entry deadline is the last day this month - Nov. 30, 2020.

1 Lucky Winner will be announced Dec. 2, 2020.

Enter now to win $100 worth of online CEU classes.

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Chemical Peel Training

Get comprehensive chemical peel training online at Jumozy.

Jumozy sets the standard for advanced esthetic training online.

Watch online videos, take an online exam and get your certificate of completion in one day. 

Start today. Finish today. Everything you need is online to boost your career and help you learn how to improve your chemical peel techniques.

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To perform effective myofascial release treatments for your clients, many different parts of the hands and arms can be used. You can learn the techniques to make your treatments more effective.

Here is a list of 7 parts of your body you can use as tools to perform myofascial release:

  1. Finger tips
  2. Finger pads
  3. Metacarpal- phalangeal joints
  4. Palm
  5. Pisiform
  6. Ulna
  7. Olecranon process

While there are other tools out there, your hands and arms provide you with the sensitivity required to do this work, and direct contact provides you with a lot of important information.

Myofascial Release Training Massage CE Of course, the first thing you think about with massage is the hands. Let's start with the fingers, or phalanges. They are very articulate and move readily. There are three joints in the finger. Fingers can easily manipulate tissue and perform detailed work. We can use our finger tips like chisels to address minute areas of tissue. But with the articulation lies a compromise in strength. You will want to remember safety in numbers. Combining fingers results in combined strength. You can also combine both hands, which additionally allows you to cover more area.

Now, let's talk about the finger pads. They are very sensitive and provide a lot of information. They also have a sense of grip. By very lightly engaging the fingertips, you can use them to roll, lift, and separate the tissue from neighboring muscle tissue and away from the bone.

If you take your hands and press them together, you'll notice there is a blunt area formed by the metacarpal-phalangeal joints, or knuckles. You can use those joints in two capacities. From the palmar surface, you can press and stretch right through the body. From the dorsal surface, from making a soft fist, you can push the four prominent knuckles into the body, and it's like using a rake but in reverse. As you work through the tissue, you also get more depth and the surface of the trailing fingers acts like the wake of a boat.

Massage Training - Learn Myofascial Release Massage Techniques and Get Your Massage CEs at https://www.jumozy.comWorking up into the palm, you'll notice that if you squeeze the palm together, there is a little valley and two mounds of tissue.  These mounds of tissue are called the thenar eminence, "thenar" meaning "thumb", and the hypothenar eminence, adjacent to the pinky. Right below those are the nine carpal bones, the bones forming the wrist. If you pull your hand back, you have a firm padded area, provided by the palmar eminences, with the solidity of the bone, provided by the carpals, underneath.  This padded area is useful for kneading the tissue. This palmar kneading technique is great for warming up and lifting the tissue from the body.

Now follow the hypothenar eminence to where the wrist joins the ulna. You will find a distinct bony projection. This is the pisiform. Similar to utilizing the knuckles, you can achieve a bit more depth with the pisiform.  To avoid injuring your wrist, you should refrain from using it directly. But, you can use it side to side or by rotating to delve into the tissue.

Those are the hands. Now let's move to the elbow. Just above the crease of the elbow, there's a flat surface on the ulna. If you place that area in your palm and rotate it, you'll notice you can get compression by making small movements.

On the medial side of the elbow, there's a large protuberance called the olecranon process that can be used following the same principle. The olecronon is useful for working with thick muscle tissue. Again, if you place the olecranon in your palm and rotate it, you'll get a sense of how it can be a useful tool. Also, keeping the olecranon in your palm, straighten the arm and bring it up slowly to your shoulder.  Notice how changing the angle of flexion affects the depth into the tissue. When using this joint, decreasing the angle between the arm and forearm increases the depth.

So these are your tools. To briefly review, we have the finger tips, finger pads, metacarpal phalangeal joints from the palmar as well as dorsal side, the palm, the pisiform at the wrist joint, the flat area of the ulna, and the olecranon process on the elbow. These will be the main tools for applying myofascial release techniques.

Myofascial Release Massage Training - Continuing Education CE Course  - Advanced Massage Therapy TechniquesWhen a client asks for deep tissue work or talks about chronic tension and pain, myofascial release can benefit them.

Myofascial release is a form of deep tissue massage calms the body while promoting healthy circulation and also creates change in the physical structure of the muscle and fascia.

You will need 1.5 hours to provide a full body session for your clients.

If you would like to learn Myofascial Techniques so that you can incorporate them into your massage therapy sessions you have several options:

All of these massage training resources can teach you how to address specific client complaints and demonstrate step-by-step techniques for the entire body.

Myofascial release remains the foundation of John Hoffmann's work in chiropractic offices, as well as massage spas and on-sitecorporate massage because of its effectiveness in alleviating pain and in creating healthy changes in the soft tissues of the body.

John Hoffmann, LMT is the featured expert in the Myofascial Release Techniques training video, award-winning Craniosacral Therapy Techniques training videoOnline Craniosacral Therapy CE Course and Online Myofascial Release CE course.

Hoffmann is a Licensed Massage Therapist and Massage Therapy Instructor and has been practicing in the Los Angeles area for over 15 years. His study of the body began with dance training. Developing a strong, intuitive, highly kinetic understanding of how the body works made the transition from dancer to body worker a natural, logical progression. He completed his massage therapy studies at the Institute of Psycho-Structural Balancing in California and is now the featured expert in online training videos and online massage CE courses.

If you would like to learn more massage techniques, Aesthetic VideoSource has an abundance of massage DVDs and online massage training videos. for your massage therapy education.

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Are you a massage therapist? Need CE credits? Discover e-learning at Jumozy.

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Esthetician Continuing Education

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Full Body Stone Massage CE - 7 CE Hours - Jumozy online course
Massage Therapist Continuing Education 

  • Get easy-to-follow massage therapy continuing education courses online.
  • Watch excellent training videos. 
  • Take online exams. 
  • Save time. Get your CEs and your certificate the same day you sign up for a course.
  • Get your continuing education online at Jumozy! 

Start Today! 

Have a look at the most popular massage therapist courses. 

All courses on this page:

  • Are approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB)
  • Meet the CE requirements for American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) Professional Active membership. AMTA members can complete all 48 continuing education (CE) credits online on the Jumozy website.

All courses on this page are approved for massage therapist continuing education in Canada by the:

  • College of Massage Therapists of Newfoundland and Labrador (CMTNL)
  • Massage Therapists Association of Nova Scotia (MTANS)
  • College of Massage Therapists of Ontario (CMTO)
  • Massage Therapist Association of Saskatchewan (MTAS)

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Get the massage CE hours & certificates you need affordably and fast with these video-based courses.

Save time and money over live CE training. 

Get quality online massage continuing education at your fingertips.

Jumozy is an approved provider of online continuing education for Massage Therapists.

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Continuing Education for Massage Therapists

Jumozy offers a variety of professional massage therapy continuing education classes and training available online.

Get the approved massage therapy continuing education courses you need and the online training you want to learn more modalities for your massage therapy career.

Be one of thousands of massage therapists who have completed these online courses.

Myofascial Release Massage Therapy Continuing Education CEUs - Pregnancy massage - Prenatal massage therapy continuing education ceus- Lymphatic Massage Therapy Continuing Education CEUs -

Choose from 23 NCBTMB & AMTA approved Online Massage Therapy Continuing Education Courses.

Jumozy massage therapy ceus are approved in 37 states & counting and 4 Canadian Provinces.

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Massage Therapy Training CE Course Special Deal


All Massage CE Training Courses 




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Reflexology Techniques Training

Lymphatic Massage Therapy

Myofascial Release


Cellulite Massage

NCBTMB Approved



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European Facial Techniques Training Course Special Deal -  (JUST $14)


60% OFF SPECIAL PROMOTIONAL SALE on European Facial Techniques Esthetician Training 

DISCOUNT CODE: SALE$14G (Enter code at checkout – case sensitive)


Price: $14 $35.99  (60% OFF) 

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European Facials Part 1 Training Course


What Will I Learn?

  • Describe the difference between a basic facial and a European facial
  • Discuss the origin and history of European facials
  • Explain professionalism
  • Explain why you should wear an uniform and what it represents
  • Explain the characteristics of a uniform
  • Provide a thorough client consultation
  • List four things an esthetician’s appearance should portray
  • Explain why you don’t wear jewelry on the hands or wrists
  • Explain how hair, earrings and hands (especially nails) should look
  • Describe how to set up the room and the facial bed
  • Describe what products and tools will be needed
  • Explain where the products and tools should be located during the treatment
  • Describe how to use a steamer properly
  • Perform a skin analysis
  • Apply different products (cleanser, toner and massage cream)
  • Define 25 terms relevant to European facials
  • Demonstrate mastery of lesson content at levels of 75% or higher

Course Description:

In this CE course, Award-winning CIDESCO diplomat, Rita Page, demonstrates the steps of a thorough European facial with detailed massage techniques and a minimal amount of equipment. Part of an award-winning comprehensive three-part series, Part 1 includes discussion of facial bed set-up, equipment (stool, steamer, and other tools of the trade), and professionalism. Rita then begins the facial, starting with a client consultation, skin analysis, and an extensive cleansing massage on the face, neck, and décolleté. Massage, an important component of a European facial, is used for the application of products as well as a luxurious treatment that completes the spa experience.


This continuing education (CE) course is approved for state and national accreditation for continuing education by the NCEA Certified and National Coalition of Estheticians, Manufacturers/Distributors & Associations (NCEA) Commission on Accreditation (COA).


Price: $14 $35.99  (60% OFF)

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Microdermabrasion Techniques Esthetician Training Course Special Deal


PROMOTIONAL SALE on Online Microdermabrasion Techniques Esthetician CE Class


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What Will I Learn?

  •       Describe the difference between crystal and crystal-free microdermabrasion
  •       Describe the difference between stainless steel tips and diamond tips
  •       Choose between crystal or crystal-free treatments
  •       Complete effective procedures on the face, neck, and décolleté
  •       Demonstrate a thorough client consultation
  •       Restate the benefits and contraindications of crystal-free microdermabrasion
  •       Create successful results
  •       Practice proper sanitation (includes use of an autoclave)
  •       Employ adjunct procedures
  •       Identify six things the microdermabrasion process helps to do
  •       Identify twelve benefits of crystal-free microdermabrasion
  •       Identify fourteen contraindications of crystal-free microdermabrasion
  •       Identify four microdermabrasion side effects
  •       Complete a skin analysis
  •       Apply different products (cleanser, toner, peels, mask, and sunblock) with confidence
  •       Complete extractions and an ozone treatment
  •       Define 25 terms relevant to crystal-free microdermabrasion



In this CE course on crystal-free microdermabrasion, Tina Marie Zillmann, demonstrates complete protocols from client consultation to the step-by-step instructions, with both types of microdermabrasion machines, for treatments on the face, ears, décolleté, and shoulders. She demonstrates a skin analysis with a scope, cleansing with salicylic and melanin-suppressant cleansers, toning with salicylic toner, salicylic peel, post- peel balm, glycolic peel, retinol peel, extractions with cotton and needle, scalp and décolleté massage, eyebrow wax with hard wax, soothing clay mask, and sun block with zinc and titanium oxide. Throughout, she provides cautionary tips and hints for these exfoliating treatments, sun-damage treatments, as well as benefits and contraindications. She also discusses the features, settings, types and sizes of tips, filters, and how to operate and sanitize the crystal-free microdermabrasion units. She also demonstrates how to use an ozone facial tool to disinfect skin, an ultrasonic cold hammer to reduce inflammation, and a steam autoclave for disinfecting and sanitizing your equipment. She finishes with a post-treatment client consultation discussing a home care regimen. Sample client consultation forms are included. 

This continuing education (CE) course is approved for state and national accreditation for continuing education by the National Coalition of Estheticians, Manufacturers/Distributors & Associations (NCEA) Commission on Accreditation (COA)..



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This course is worth 5 CE hours


Tina Marie Zillmann is a practicing aesthetician with expertise on innovative aesthetic treatments and post-surgical care. As Vice President and Director of Skin Rejuvenation Clinique, Inc. and Advanced Rejuvenating Concepts, she is fluent on all aspects of business ownership, product formulations, employee relations, and retailing. She has received awards on television and in print as a local skin care expert in San Antonio, Texas and nationally as a public speaker and published writer in the skin care industry. Her endeavors have awarded her with the Female Entrepreneur of the Year award through the National Association of Women Business Owners and was the President of Aesthetic International Association from 2009-2010.

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Facial Techniques for Treating Acne Training Course Special Deal


Facial Techniques for Treating Acne Esthetician Training 



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What Will I Learn?

  • Complete a skin consultation questionnaire
  • Complete a skin diagnosis using a magnifying lamp
  • Inspect the client’s skin for imperfections using a Wood’s lamp
  • Use a skin scope during skin diagnosis
  • Complete the exfoliation process using a deep pore cleanser and gommage under steam
  • Explain the reason for desincrustation
  • Demonstrate how to do a desincrustation procedure
  • Demonstrate how to use a galvanic machine
  • Explain the purpose of suctioning/vacuuming
  • Demonstrate how to do a suctioning/vacuuming procedure
  • Illustrate how to do extractions with an extractor, lancet and fingers wrapped in cotton
  • Set up the machine for the Lucas spray
  • Apply the Lucas spray properly to the client’s skin
  • Explain the purpose of using indirect high frequency
  • Demonstrate how to do an indirect high frequency procedure
  • Apply and remove mask
  • Apply CO2 spray and protective cream
  • Review the steps in a post client consultation
  • Define 31 terms relevant to facial equipment techniques


In this CE Course, Rita Page, an award-winning CIDESCO diplomat, demonstrates the proper aesthetic treatment of facial acne through a complete facial, using a combination of an 8-in-1 facial equipment machine and traditional methods. Rita begins this esthetic training video with a client consultation and a skin analysis using a magnifying lamp, Wood's lamp, and skin scope. She then demonstrates the proper use of a steamer (with and without ozone), galvanic current, high frequency current, rotary brush, vacuum, Lucas spray, and CO2 spray, in conjunction with deep pore cleansing, exfoliation (with gommage), desincrustation, suctioning with glass ventouses, extractions (with comedone extractor, lancet, and fingers wrapped in cotton), corrective cream, and a treatment mask. Throughout the entire Facial Techniques for Treating Acne continuing education course, Rita’s vast aesthetic knowledge and experience shine through as she offers valuable information on each procedure she performs so you can learn acne treatment techniques. She concludes with a post-treatment consultation. Throughout this esthetics course, Rita gives precautions and tips associated with the demonstrated procedures.

This continuing education (CE) course is approved for state and national accreditation for continuing education by the NCEA Certified and National Coalition of Estheticians, Manufacturers/Distributors & Associations (NCEA) Commission on Accreditation (COA).



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Myofascial Release Techniques Training Course Special Deal - TODAY ONLY


50% OFF SPECIAL PROMOTIONAL SALE on Myofascial Release Techniques Training 

DISCOUNT CODE: GoM50% (Enter code at checkout – case sensitive)



What Will I Learn?

  • Alleviate chronic tension and pain using myofascial release
  • Describe the general purpose of myofascial release
  • Understand the general history of and contributors to myofascial release
  • Describe the two types of myofascial release
  • Define fascia
  • Understand the basic theories behind myofascial release
  • List benefits and contraindications for myofascial release
  • Describe the parts of the hands and arms used in myofascial release
  • Describe how to use the hands and arms to perform different strokes
  • Employ proper draping technique during massage sessions
  • Perform a warm-up on the client in preparation for myofascial release
  • Perform myofascial release on the posterior side of the body
  • Perform myofascial release on the anterior side of the body
  • Address specific client pain complaints
  • Define 45 terms relevant to myofascial release


In this continuing education (CE) course on myofascial release techniques, John Hoffmann, CMT, discusses how myofascial release, a type of deep tissue massage, helps create change in the physical structure of the muscle and fascia to alleviate chronic tension and pain. He demonstrates the strokes and a complete routine for providing myofascial release on the body from head to feet. In addition to written text, video excerpts are included for discussion of the topics and for visual, step-by-step demonstrations of myofascial release techniques. Also included are: benefits and contraindications, tools, draping, and how to address specific complaints.

NCBTMB Approved

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This course is worth 4 CE hours


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Relaxing MassageMassage therapists often become experts in several massage modalities, all of which require unique techniques. These different modalities allow the massage therapists to attract more clients, customize therapy to clients' needs, and keep their day-to-day practice interesting.

Versatility also makes a therapist more attractive to employers. An increasing number of massage clinics, spas, and health care environments are looking for massage therapists. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics report and U.S. News and World Report, massage therapist was ranked #53 in "100 Best Jobs" and #21 in "Best Healthcare Jobs". Projected employment growth between 2010 and 2020 is 20.1 percent.

So, it pays to diversify.

There are about 80 massage therapy styles to choose among, offering relaxation, relief, or healing. According to an American Massage Therapy Association survey, massage therapists offer an average of seven modalities.

Here are some of the more popular modalities.

Swedish Massage

The most common type of massage, involving effleurage, petrissage, friction, and tapotement on the topmost layers of muscles. Swedish massage relieves muscle tension and is relaxing and energizing. Aesthetic VideoSource offers a beautifully filmed, instructional DVD on this modality: Essentials of Swedish Massage. This award-winning DVD features Meade Steadman, a Jumozy instructor.

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage techniques apply pressure to deeper layers of muscle, tendons, and other tissues, to address chronically tense and contracted areas. The techniques are designed to release muscle and adhesions, increase range of motion, reset muscle memory, and reduce primary and secondary distortions. Aesthetic VideoSource has three comprehensive, instructional DVDs on this modality, for Deep Tissue Massage: Extremities, Pelvic Girdle, and Shoulder Girdle, all featuring Meade Steadman.

Chair Massage

The portability of chair massage accounts for its popularity among therapists as well as clients who seek it out at malls or conferences for a moment's reprieve. Chair massage allows practitioners to reach people beyond the spa or simply to avoid fixed overhead costs. Therapists can also incorporate whatever modality they prefer. Jumozy offers a comprehensive course on this modality, Full Body Chair Massage, which includes sections on different chairs, tools and setup, dealing with business attire, and marketing.

Thai Massage

Thai massage involves positioning the body into different therapeutic postures, stretching, compressing muscles, mobilizing joints, and acupressure. It addresses balance and structural corrections. Thai massage is a healing science that has been practiced thousands of years. The top recognized master of this modality outside of Thailand is Dr. Anthony James, CMT, ND, MDAM. His professional development and certification programs have set the standards in the U.S. He is also the instructor in the four-part The Ultimate Thai Massage Video instructional DVD series for the mat and table, produced by Aesthetic VideoSource.

Stone Massage

With stone massage, smooth stones are incorporated into a massage or placed on the body to provide the benefits of their inherent healing properties, as well as to apply heat or cold. Incorporating stones as massage tools is also easier on the therapist. Stones minimize injury to the hands, wrists, and elbows, and make the work less exhausting. Stone massage is also good for the bottom line and a way to personalize a massage and to differentiate a therapist's offerings. Jumozy offers Full Body Stone Massage, a comprehensive course that covers all aspects of this modality.


Reflexology applies pressure to reflexes on the hands or feet that are connected to various parts of the body. This pressure stimulates those body parts, as well as improves lymphatic drainage and circulation in the hands/feet, relaxing muscles and stimulating nerve connections. Jumozy offers two comprehensive reflexology courses, Comprehensive Reflexology for the Foot and Comprehensive Reflexology for the Hand as well as seven shorter reflexology courses focused on specific health complaints.

Pregnancy Massage,

Expectant moms experience unique physical and emotional changes that occur as a result of increased weight, shifting posture, and adjusting hormone levels. The soothing essence of massage can allow pregnant moms to unwind during this time.  It can also alleviate the resulting discomfort and other pregnancy-related symptoms. In Aesthetic VideoSource's Nurturing Pregnancy Massage Techniques I and Nurturing Pregnancy Massage Techniques II,  Meade Steadman demonstrates step-by-step how to provide therapeutic massage techniques that focus on the special needs of the mother to be as she goes through the different trimesters.

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Salt Lake City, UT ─ Jumozy is proud to offer Facial Techniques for Treating Acne CE course, with video on the diagnosis and treatments of different acne types, with expert aesthetician, Rita Page.  From general cleansing to individual extractions, Page demonstrates the proper aesthetic treatment of facial acne through a complete facial, using a combination of an 8-in-1 facial equipment machine and traditional methods.

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Aesthetic VideoSource Giveaway

Aesthetic VideoSource Giveaway 

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Attention Saskatchewan massage therapists! You can now received continuing education credits with Jumozy online courses incorporating footage from award-winning videos.

The Massage Therapist Association of Saskatchewan, Inc. requires 40 hours of continuing education credits every 3 years.


As an approved provider, we offer 16 courses courses on massage and reflexology, learning new approaches and techniques. Courses range from two to 7.5 hours of CE credits. All content is online, available 24/7, with printable certificates of achievements upon completion.

E-learning course titles include “Cellulite Massage,” “Lymphatic Massage,” “Craniosacral Therapy,” “Myofascial Release,” “Full Body Stone Massage,” “Full Body Chair Massage,” “Comprehensive Reflexology,” and a variety of shorter reflexology courses addressing specific health complaints. The variety allows therapists to choose courses that most interest them and benefit their careers. For a full list of offerings, visit

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... The videos were outstanding.

~ Sarah S.

I really enjoyed this course, and feel like I learned a lot.

~ Rebecca H.

... I found the course very informative and well outlined.

~ Keith C.