Massage Therapy Licensure and Renewal in Texas
In Texas, a state license is required to advertise or practice massage therapy. The practice of massage therapy in Texas requires a license from Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR).
Massage therapists are licensed on the basis of education, examination, and criminal background check. Massage therapists are required to complete at least 12 hours of Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation TDLR-approved or recognized continuing education to renew a license every 2 years.
As a Texas Board of Massage Approved Continuing Education Provider (#CE1723) Jumozy Continuing Education offers massage therapy CE courses for your Texas license renewal.
Massage Instructor Licensure
Massage instructors must hold a current massage therapist license and meet the 12-hour requirement for that license in order to renew an instructor's license.
Renewal Time Period
A massage therapist license issued under the Texas chapter is valid for two (2) years.
Late Renewal
You are responsible for renewing the license before the expiration date. Even if you did not receive a renewal notice from the department, you are required to renew on time or pay late renewal fees.
Expired License Renewal
Practicing massage therapy on an expired license may result in administrative penalties and sanctions.
If your license has been expired for 90 days or less you may renew the license by paying to the department a renewal fee that is equal to 1-1/2 times the normally required renewal fee.
If your license has been expired for more than 90 days but less than 18 months you may renew the license by paying to the department a renewal fee that is equal to two times the normally required renewal fee.
If your license has been expired for at least 18 months but less than three years, on approval by the executive, may renew the license by paying to the department a renewal fee equal to two times the normally required renewal fee.
Transition from DSHS to TDLR
The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) assumed all activities relating to the Massage Therapy program including licenses and renewals, customer service and enforcement on November 1, 2017.
The license you have now, issued by the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), remains valid until its expiration date. When you renew, you will receive a TDLR license.
Texas massage therapists should note that the rules have changed. TDLR adopted rules for all of the transferred programs. Most of the newly adopted rules are very similar, but some changes have been made. The TDLR health profession rules became effective on November 1, 2017.
Massage Therapy Continuing Education Approved Provider - Texas
Jumozy’s massage courses are valid for Texas CE requirements as we are a Texas Board of Massage approved continuing education provider (#CE1723).
Additionally, courses approved by the NCBTMB are accepted for meeting the license renewal for Texas. Jumozy Continuing Education is approved by the NCBTMB (Provider #452024-12).
Jumozy offers the following Texas massage CE courses for your license renewal:
- Cellulite Massage (3 CE Hrs)
- Comprehensive Reflexology for the Foot (7.5 CE Hrs)
- Comprehensive Reflexology for the Hand (7.5 CE Hrs)
- Craniosacral Therapy (5 CE Hrs)
- Full Body Chair Massage (5.5 CE Hrs)
- Full Body Stone Massage (3 CE Hrs) & (7 CE Hrs)
- Lymphatic Massage for the Body (4.5 CE Hrs) & (9.5 CE Hrs)
- Lymphatic Massage for the Face & Neck (2.5 CE Hrs)
- Myofascial Release (4 CE Hrs)
- Reflexology for Allergies & Asthma (2 CE Hrs)
- Reflexology for Anemia, Cardiovascular Disease, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, & Poor Blood Circulation (2 CE Hrs)
- Reflexology for Headaches & Migraines (2 CE Hrs)
- Reflexology for Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) & Menopause (2 CE Hrs)
- Reflexology for Stomach Upset, Constipation, & Diarrhea (2 CE Hrs)
- Reflexology for Stress, Anxiety, & Depression (2 CE Hrs)
- Reflexology for Urinary Tract Infection, Kidney Stones, Kidney Failure, & Incontinence (1.5 CE Hrs)
With more courses on the way.
Acceptable Course Curriculum
Acceptable continuing education includes attendance and completion of courses that are directly related to the theory or clinical application of theory pertaining to the following:
- Practice of massage therapy
- The manipulation of soft tissue
- Massage therapy laws and rules
- Business practices
- Professional ethics
- Anatomy
- Physiology
- Hydrotherapy
- Kinesiology
- Pathology
- Health and hygiene
Bodywork Classes
Most massage and bodywork modalities are acceptable, provided the sponsor (person/company presenting the class/course) is acceptable. Unacceptable modalities would include activities which are not part of providing a massage (e.g. ear candling) or that require another license (e.g. chiropractic adjustments).
Energy Work Classes
Most energy work classes are acceptable, provided the sponsor is acceptable. They must be designed to enhance the provision of massage, and they may not involve any false or misleading health claims (e.g. claiming to cure or treat diseases).
Exercise or Movement Classes
Yoga, martial arts, and exercise classes are not acceptable unless they are specifically designed as self-care for massage therapists.
First Aid or CPR
Courses in first aid and/or CPR will be accepted if the course is taught or presented by a certified First Aid Instructor or certified CPR instructor who was certified by the American Heart Association, American Red Cross or National Safety Council. Courses cannot exceed six hours total each renewal period.
Online or Correspondence Courses
Continuing education that otherwise meets the standards, but is offered or presented online or by correspondence is acceptable only if the subject matter is not massage therapy techniques or manipulation of soft tissue. (Jumozy is a Texas Board of Massage Approved Continuing Education Provider #CE1723.)
Pre-Approval of Coursework
The TDLR does not pre-approve CE programs. Please consult the Acceptable Course Curriculum section of this page (above) to determine whether or not the program is acceptable. If the sponsor, content, and certificate are acceptable, then you may use that program as continuing education for the purpose of license renewal.
All licensed massage therapy schools are also approved to provide continuing education, and may issue either continuing education certificates, or transcripts showing advanced course work (as described in the rules, §117.60. Massage School Advanced Course Work).
Reporting Completed Courses
TDLR uses an audit system for continuing education reporting. Each licensed massage therapist is responsible for maintaining a record of his or her continuing education experiences. The certificates, diplomas, or other documentation verifying continuing education hours should not be forwarded to TDLR at the time of renewal unless the licensee has been selected for audit.
TDLR will select for audit a random sample of licensed massage therapists for each renewal month. If selected for an audit, then you will be notified at the time of your renewal. You will be required to submit copies of certificates, transcripts or other documentation to verify attendance, participation and completion of continuing education requirements. If selected for audit, all documentation must be provided at the time of renewal before the license will be renewed.
The licensee is responsible for maintaining a record of continuing education experiences or certificates. If you are selected for audit, then you will be notified and records will be required to be submitted to TDLR.
Official transcripts do not have to be in a sealed envelope from the school. Transcripts may be submitted by mail to the following address:
Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation