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South Carolina Massage License Renewal and Continuing Education Requirements

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As a licensed massage therapist in South Carolina, it’s crucial to understand the state’s requirements for license renewal. The South Carolina Board of Massage Therapy oversees licensure and continuing education (CE) for massage therapists. Let’s dive into the key points you need to know.

Massage Continuing Education Requirements in South Carolina

  • License Renewal Frequency: All massage therapy licenses in South Carolina expire on June 30th of every even-numbered year. To maintain your license, you must complete 12 CE hours during each two-year renewal period. All licensees are exempt from obtaining continuing education for their first renewal.
  • Type of Approved Continuing Classes: You may take any class which is approved by one of the national associations, approved massage therapy schools or persons who have been approved by the Board.
  • Jumozy’s Approved CE Classes: For massage therapists seeking approved CE courses, Jumozy offers a comprehensive list of online courses. These courses feature award-winning videos, written text, exams with immediate results, and instantaneous certificates upon successful completion. Jumozy is an approved provider for the South Carolina Board of Massage Therapy as provider #11846 and as NCBTMB provider #452024-12. Jumozy will report your completed CE hours to CE Broker. You can explore our massage CEU offerings here.

3 Easy Steps to Get Your South Carolina Massage Therapy Continuing Education

1. Sign up for the course
2. Watch the online videos and pass the online exams
3. Print your massage certificate of completion

Jumozy will submit your continuing education hours through CE Broker for you.

Benefits of Jumozy massage training courses:

  • 100% Online
  • South Carolina Board of Massage Therapy approved
  • Downloadable certificate of achievement
  • Hassle-free and convenient - access the courses anytime, anywhere
  • Cost-efficient - receive the training you need without having to travel to a live class
  • Innovative training - work at your convenience and pace

Our online massage courses are for licensed massage therapists, students, instructors and any individuals who want to learn professional massage techniques.

There are no prerequisites. Anyone can sign up for these online massage courses.

Jumozy offers the following South Carolina-approved massage CE courses for your license renewal:

Click on the links below to see more information about each online course.

Cellulite Massage (3 CE Hours)

Craniosacral Therapy (5 CE Hours)

Deep Tissue Massage Therapy: Extremities (4 CE Hours)

Deep Tissue Massage Therapy: Pelvic Girdle (2.5 CE Hours)

Deep Tissue Massage Therapy: Shoulder Girdle (3 CE Hours)

Full Body Chair Massage (5.5 CE Hours)

Full Body Stone Massage (3 CE Hours)

Full Body Stone Massage (7 CE Hours)

Lymphatic Massage for the Body (4.5 CE Hours)

Lymphatic Massage for the Body (9.5 CE Hours)

Lymphatic Massage for the Face & Neck (2.5 CE Hours)

The Ultimate Face, Scalp, Neck & Shoulder Massage (2.5 CE Hours)

Myofascial Release (4 CE Hours)

Nurturing Pregnancy Massage (5 CE Hours)

Reiki Healing (5 CE Hours)

Thai Acupressure Massage: Feet Hands & Face for the Mat (3.5 CE Hours)

Thai Acupressure Massage: Feet Hands & Face for the Table (3.5 CE Hours)

The Ultimate Thai Massage: Mat Techniques (5 CE Hours)

The Ultimate Thai Massage: Table Techniques (4.5 CE Hours)

Comprehensive Reflexology for the Foot (7.5 CE Hours)

Comprehensive Reflexology for the Hand (7.5 CE Hours)

Reflexology for Allergies & Asthma (2 CE Hours)

Reflexology for Anemia, Cardiovascular Disease, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol & Poor Blood Circulation (2 CE Hours)

Reflexology for Headaches & Migraines (2 CE Hours)

Reflexology for Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) & Menopause (2 CE Hours)

Reflexology for Stomach Upset, Constipation & Diarrhea (2 CE Hours)

Reflexology for Stress, Anxiety, & Depression (2 CE Hours)

Reflexology for Urinary Tract Infection, Kidney Stones, Kidney Failure & Incontinence (1.5 CE Hours)

Continuing Education

How many CE hours do I need to renew my practitioner license?
Licensees must obtain 12 hours of massage CE beginning with their second renewal cycle and CE classes must be reported to CE Broker.

How do I inform the Board of my continuing education (CE) classes for renewal?
All licensees are exempt from obtaining continuing education for their first renewal. Licensees must obtain 12 hours of massage CE beginning with their second renewal cycle and the CE classes must be reported to CE Broker. CE classes must be obtained during the licensing period which is July 1st of every even year to June 30th of the following even year. The CE is not reusable for subsequent renewal cycles. Failure to obtain CE and record it with CE Broker may result in disciplinary action by the Board.

License Renewal

What is required to renew the license?
When a license is initially obtained, you will receive the expiration date for that licensing period as everyone receives the same universal expiration date. The license will need to be renewed the following renewal cycle. Licenses are renewed every even-numbered year on or before June 30, at which time 12 hours of continuing education must have been obtained. Continuing education is waived for the first renewal.

If I graduate massage school halfway through the license cycle, do I still pay full price for my license? How long will my new license be good for?
Yes, there is no proration of fees. You will receive the universal expiration date for that current licensing period and will be required to renew by June 30th of the even year. CE is not required for the first renewal. After your first renewal you will receive a two-year license.

Can I renew my license if I do not have 12 hours of CE?
No, you may not renew your active license if you do not have 12 hours of CE. However, you may place your license on inactive status. While CE hours are not needed to place your license inactive (on hold), you must pay the inactive license renewal fee. You will need to continue to renew the inactive license each even-year renewal cycle to retain inactive status. You will not receive an active license and cannot practice or render massage services while your license is inactive. In order to return to active licensure, you will be required to gain CE classes (where applicable) for each renewal period while on inactive status. You can be inactive for an indefinite time.

When will I receive a renewal notice for my practitioner license?
Renewal notices are e-mailed as a courtesy at least 30 days prior to the renewal deadline. However, you are responsible for license renewal even if you do not receive a renewal notice.

How often does my practitioner license renew?
The renewal deadline is June 30th every 2 years, in even-numbered years.

What happens if I do not renew my practitioner license by the June 30th deadline?
Your license will immediately lapse and you cannot practice massage therapy until you reinstate your license. You may choose to place your license on inactive status prior to the renewal deadline.

Is there a grace period for license renewal?
No, if the license is not renewed timely, it is expired.

Reinstatement of License

How long do I have to reinstate my license once it lapses?
A license that has lapsed for more than one year shall be automatically canceled if the licensee has not submitted an application for reinstatement, included the applicable fee and provided proof of obtaining CE hours. If a license is canceled, then an individual may apply for a new license and you must meet the full licensure requirements. This includes, but is not limited to retaking and passing the MBLEx to obtain a new massage license.

I had a provisional license and I let it expire. Can I reinstate that license?
No, provisional licenses cannot be reinstated. Once the license expires you must meet the full licensure requirements which includes but is not limited to completion of 650 hours from a massage therapy school, and passage of the MBLEX.

Establishment Licenses

Do I need an Establishment license to perform outcall massage?
If you are providing massage therapy services in an area that is not your place of business, such as a client's home or office, you do not need an establishment license. However, if you have a space such as a bus, van, trolley or the like that you take to a client, a client's house or place of business, or other location, within which the client receives services, you must have an establishment or sole practitioner establishment license.

Will I need an establishment license if all my massage business is mobile?

Do I have to use my establishment license number on my advertisements and signs?
No, a licensee must include their practitioner license number in any advertisement for licensing services.

Will I need an establishment license if I work for myself?
Yes, a Sole Practitioner Establishment License (SPE) is needed if you have a specific space where clients come to receive services. Massage therapists who perform outcall services at a client's residence, place of business, or other location do not need to have a sole practitioner establishment license, unless they have a mobile space in which services are provided.

Will I need an establishment license if I work for someone else?
No, employees only need their practitioner licenses.


What are the inspectors looking for? Are there certain rules we need to follow?
You must follow the Board statutes and regulations, including but not limited to licensed practice, and the operation of establishments.


Find Your South Carolina Approved Massage CE Course Now! See course catalog

Customer Reviews

“The course was very well presented and I enjoyed having some videos incorporated, instead of all just printed material.” -- Debora B.

“The instructor was first-rate, very good and informative.” -- Jeff R.

“I liked the holistic focus of the course.  I appreciated being able to read about and then see instructions on rhythm, flow, and direction.  This reinforced the learning.  I also liked that both sides were demonstrated on the body for additional viewings of the techniques.” -- Kandace H.

 Here is a link to the South Carolina Board of Massage Therapy. Click here.

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Guest Tuesday, 04 March 2025


... The videos were outstanding.

~ Sarah S.

I really enjoyed this course, and feel like I learned a lot.

~ Rebecca H.

... I found the course very informative and well outlined.

~ Keith C.