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Michigan Massage Therapy Approved Online Continuing Training Courses To Renew Your Massage License

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Massage Therapy Continuing Education Requirements and License Renewal

The Michigan Board of Massage Therapy requires 18 CE hours every three years. Two of these hours must be in professional ethics and boundaries and one hour must be in the area of pain and symptom management.

In addition to your 18 CE hours, you are required to complete one-hour training on Implicit Bias as a condition for initial licensure or registration as well as license or registration renewal. Unlike the human trafficking training requirement, this is not a “one-time” training. Implicit Bias training is required every time you renew your license.

Fulfill Your CE Course Requirements with Jumozy

  • You may take 15 Elective CE hours through our home study programs.
  • The Michigan Board of Massage Therapy will accept any of Jumozy's massage courses to satisfy your 15 CE hour requirement. Jumozy is also approved by the NCBTMB as a continuing education Approved Provider.

3 Easy Steps to Get Your Continuing Education

1. Sign up for the course
2. Watch the online videos and pass the online exams
3. Print your massage certificate of completion

Massage Therapy Continuing Education Approved Provider - Michigan

Jumozy’s massage courses are valid for Michigan CE requirements as Jumozy is an educational provider approved by the Michigan Board of Massage Therapy (CE Broker Tracking # 50-15050). Additionally, all Jumozy massage therapy and body treatment courses are approved by the NCBTMB, and are accepted for meeting the license renewal for Michigan. Jumozy Continuing Education is approved by the NCBTMB (Provider #452024-12).

Jumozy offers the following Michigan approved massage CE courses for your license renewal:

Cellulite Massage (3 CE Hrs)

Comprehensive Reflexology for the Foot (7.5 CE Hrs)

Comprehensive Reflexology for the Hand (7.5 CE Hrs)

Craniosacral Therapy (5 CE Hrs)

Deep Tissue Massage Therapy: Extremities (4 CE Hrs)

Deep Tissue Massage Therapy: Pelvic Girdle (2.5 CE Hrs)

Deep Tissue Massage Therapy: Shoulder Girdle (3 CE Hrs)

Full Body Chair Massage (5.5 CE Hrs)

Full Body Stone Massage (3 CE Hrs) & (7 CE Hrs)

Lymphatic Massage for the Body (4.5 CE Hrs) & (9.5 CE Hrs)

Lymphatic Massage for the Face & Neck (2.5 CE Hrs)

Myofascial Release (4 CE Hrs)

Nurturing Pregnancy Massage (5 CE Hrs)

Reflexology for Allergies & Asthma (2 CE Hrs)

Reflexology for Anemia, Cardiovascular Disease, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol & Poor Blood Circulation (2 CE Hrs)

Reflexology for Headaches & Migraines (2 CE Hrs)

Reflexology for Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) & Menopause (2 CE Hrs)

Reflexology for Stomach Upset, Constipation & Diarrhea (2 CE Hrs)

Reflexology for Stress, Anxiety, & Depression (2 CE Hrs)

Reflexology for Urinary Tract Infection, Kidney Stones, Kidney Failure & Incontinence (1.5 CE Hrs)

Reiki Healing (5 CE Hrs)

Thai Acupressure Massage: Feet Hands & Face for the Mat (3.5 CE Hours)

Thai Acupressure Massage: Feet Hands & Face for the Table (3.5 CE Hours)

The Ultimate Thai Massage: Mat Techniques (5 CE Hours)

The Ultimate Thai Massage: Table Techniques (4.5 CE Hours)

The Ultimate Face, Scalp, Neck & Shoulder Massage (2.5 CE Hours)

See more CE Courses

Benefits of Jumozy Massage CE Training Courses

  • 100% Online
  • Michigan Board of Massage Therapy will accept our massage courses.
  • Downloadable certificate of achievement
  • Hassle-free and convenient - access the courses anytime, anywhere
  • Cost-efficient - receive the training you need without having to travel to a live class
  • Innovative training - work at your convenience and pace

Our online massage therapy courses are for licensed massage therapists, students, instructors, and any individuals who want to learn professional massage techniques.

There are no prerequisites. Anyone can sign up for these online massage courses.

Continuing Education Additional Requirements

(1) You may not earn more than 12 hours of continuing education during a 24-hour period.
(2) You may not earn credit for a continuing education program or activity that is identical or substantially identical to a program or activity the licensee has already earned credit for during that license cycle.
(3) The continuing education credit hours earned during 1 license cycle may not be carried forward to the next license cycle.
(4) You may not earn credit for continuing education programs or activities that primarily focus on practices excluded from licensure under section 17957 of the code, MCL 333.17957.

FAQs for Michigan Massage Therapy License Renewal

(1) How long are the Massage Therapy licenses issued for? Can I renew my license early? How will I know when I need to renew?
Your initial Massage Therapy license is good for 3 years. All subsequent MT renewals will also be valid for 3 years.

(2) Do I need to complete continuing education?
Yes. Michigan massage therapists must complete 18 hours of continuing education for each 3-year license cycle. The courses shall be approved by the board and shall include subjects related to the practice of massage therapy. At least 1 hour of CE shall be earned in the area of pain and symptom management and at least 2 hours of CE shall be earned in the area of professional ethics and boundaries. The continuing education requirement is defined in Michigan Massage Therapy General Rule R 338.739

(3) Implicit Bias Training March 23, 2023. What is Implicit Bias Training?
The requirement for Implicit Bias Training was added to the Public Health Code – General Rules in 2021 per Executive Directive 2020-07. The rule was subsequently updated in March 2023. The rule defines implicit bias as “an attitude or internalized stereotype that affects an individual’s perception, action, or decision making in an unconscious manner and often contributes to unequal treatment of people based on race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, socioeconomic status, age, disability, or other characteristic. (Rule 338.7001(c) ) Training on Implicit Bias is required as a condition for initial licensure or registration as well as license or registration renewal. Unlike the human trafficking training requirement, this is not a “one-time” training. Implicit Bias training is required every time you renew your license. We currently do not offer a course on Implicit Bias Training as defined in the Michigan Rules.

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Guest Tuesday, 04 March 2025


... The videos were outstanding.

~ Sarah S.

I really enjoyed this course, and feel like I learned a lot.

~ Rebecca H.

... I found the course very informative and well outlined.

~ Keith C.