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Laser Hair Removal Safety and Training for Medical Spa and Doctor's Office

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Laser hair removal has become a popular alternative to waxing, shaving, and depilatory creams in recent years. For the right patients, laser hair removal can provide a 70 to 90 percent reduction in unwanted hair. This accounts for the fact that laser hair removal is one of the top five non-surgical cosmetic procedures in the United States for both men and women. In fact, millions of these procedures are performed annually. Dermatologists and medical spas require proper training to offer the procedure safely.

Laser Hair Removal System
Laser hair removal system uses a combination of energy and heat to destroy follicles without harming the skin around them. Laser hair removal is a fast, gentle way to remove unwanted hair, with great results. Laser hair removal applies precisely controlled pulses of energy (electrical and light, with cooling), reaching into the hair follicles that lie beneath the skin. The energy heats the hair, right down to the bottom of the root, destroying it without damaging surrounding tissue or skin.

Treatment Sessions
Laser hair removal system destroys hairs that are in the active growth phase, so repeat treatments will be needed to target hair that was not affected at the time of previous laser hair removal treatments. To get the optimum results, normally six laser hair removal treatments are recommended.  The client can expect permanent  hair reduction after a series of sessions.

Possible Side Effects of Laser Hair Removal
Most side effects of laser hair removal are rare or temporary. The most likely side effects are:
•    Transient erythema, perifollicular edema, and discomfort
•    Folliculitis, or infection
•    Acne breakout
•    Hyperpigmentation, or darkening of the skin. When this occurs, it is usually temporary.
•    Hypopigmentation, or lightening of the skin. Patients with darker skin should be cautious.
•    Blistering or scarring. This is generally rare with proper knowledge of laser parameters. The risk is also reduced by having the patient avoid sun exposure.
•    Changes in skin texture. Again, this is rare.
•    Crusting or scabbing. This is typically temporary.
•    Hair changes. Be sure that patients understand that new hair growth may be finer and lighter in color.
•    Purpura
•    Leukotrichia
•    Itching
•    Unforeseen future effects

Laser Hair Removal Is Not For Everyone
During the initial consultation, go over the patient's medical history and list of current medications. You should be cautious of treating patients with the following contraindications:
•    Patients on Accutane or currently taking megadoses of vitamin A. Patients on these medications may have difficulty with wound healing.
•    Other contraindicated medications. Anti-depressants, anti-histamines, and diuretics, for example, may cause hyper-pigmentation, dermatitis or may make a patient more sensitive to light.
•    Potential endocrine problems. In women who have a receding hairline, problems with their periods, or who have increased muscle tone, there may be an endocrine problem. If you are suspicious of a potential problem, order an endocrine work-up prior to treatment. You should also consider conditions such as adrenal neoplasms, ovarian neoplasms, and polycystic ovarian syndrome.
•    Pregnancy. While no studies indicate problems with treating pregnant women, it is wise to avoid.
•    Potential for Stimulated Hair Growth. High risk patients are mostly women who come from or are descended from someone from the Mediterranean area, Middle East, or Indian subcontinent. If their hairlines are ill-defined, they are at risk.
•    Difficult Hair Combinations. You will not be able to work with fine, light hair on dark skin, or blonde or red hair on tanned skin. The hair needs to be darker than the skin.

Client Responsibilities
Your client also can help increase the effectiveness of the treatments and help minimize side effects. The client should:
•    Avoid sun exposure. Tanning booths are a form of UV exposure. Tans and particularly sunburns increase the risk of blistering and permanent discoloration. If they have a tan or sunburn, they need to wait until it fades completely. If they are going to be in the sun, you should recommend they use sunscreen of at least 30 SPF.
•    Refrain from waxing, tweezing, or bleaching the hair.
•    If instructed, shave the area to be treated the day prior to appointment.
•    Refrain from applying any lotion, sunscreen, makeup, deodorant, or other topical solutions on areas to be treated of the day of the appointment. Topical solutions can potentially reduce the laser energy and, in some rare cases, cause toxic allergic reactions.
•    An additional precautionary step to ensure successful procedures for a new client is the patch test. You will want to perform a patch test in a hidden area on skin that is similar to the area to be treated. No cooling agents, typically used during regular treatments, should be used as part of a patch test.

Employment Outlook
Personal care and beauty services sell very well, even in a down economy, which has lead to promising employment prospects for laser hair technicians. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that job opportunities for laser hair techs will grow up to 25 percent until 2020, which is faster than the average for all occupations.  Get the proper training for laser hair removal for your medical spa and dermatology clinic.

Training Resource
Aesthetic VideoSource's "The Complete Guide to Laser Hair Removal " is a great resource to use in training your medical spa staff and clinic laser hair tech in laser hair removal. In this complete guide to laser hair removal, you'll learn how to perform common laser hair removal treatments for the face, underarms, bikini area, back, and legs, as well as the science behind this increasingly popular cosmetic option for both men and women. Two physicians — Christine Whitelaw, M.D., and Mark B. Taylor, M.D. — demonstrate step-by-step procedures and parameter considerations on an IPL and a combined Alexandrite/YAG laser machine. Demonstrations are on male and female models with different Fitzpatrick types. You will also learn about how laser hair removal works, different laser options, benefits and contraindications, procedure guidelines, eye protection options, cooling methods, marketing, and tips and other insights gleaned from years of experience. This instructional video is available in DVD and pay-per-view.

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